Rabu, 15 September 2010

Floor Plans

Floor Plans
 This type of lighting floor plan can cause more problems than it To overcome the effects of tall ceilings, homeowners are sometimes inclined to use the brightest lights to make sure that everything can be clearly seen. Hallways, for example, with tall ceiling eliminate the opportunity to plan recessed lighting because the angles are too steep creating objectionable shadows on objects of art. Factors such as ceiling height, the presence of natural light coming in through windows, and floor space itself play major roles in determining wattage and lumens levels.

 Room sizes dictate the number of lighting fixtures and the wattages that must be used to provide general lighting. The answer to this question is highly subjective, and requires a case-by-case analysis of each interior element to determine. One of the most common questions we get about lighting floor plans deals with the actual number of lighting fixtures that a particular room will need. Creating a multi-layered interior lighting design in this fashion will ensure decorative appeal and satisfactory lighting levels at once.

 The best way to design a superior lighting floor plan is to install low-profile functional lights and decorative accent lights at unique angles of incidence. Otherwise, fixtures will appear too obtrusive and diminish the room's aesthetic. Custom home lighting fixtures must be chosen based on their ability to harmoniously compliment interior surfaces and architectural elements. Variations in ceiling height, daylight and construction materials form a three-dimensional framework around the floor plan.  Some are more formal and organized, while others are more freeform and pose unique lighting challenges.

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